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Namespaces | |
namespace | TextDataCapture |
Defines | |
#define | TEXT_TABLE_DATACAPTURE_UUID_STRING "9250f38b-e7b0-44b1-89c1-178ee59e281f" |
Data capture library UUID for tab-delimited table files. Use with the setDataCapture macro for rmMonitorControl. More... | |
#define | TEXT_TABLE_NAME "Table data capture" |
#define | TEXT_TABLE_DESCRIPTION "Captured statistical data is stored in a text file in a tab-delimited table format" |
#define | TEXT_XML_DATACAPTURE_UUID_STRING "7b2bd294-cdd1-49ae-b41f-e964e87c5370" |
Data capture library UUID for XML format files. Use with the setDataCapture macro for rmMonitorControl. The Document Type Definition is shown below. More... | |
#define | TEXT_XML_NAME "XML data capture" |
#define | TEXT_XML_DESCRIPTION "Captured statistical data is stored in a text file in a XML format" |
#define | TEXTDataCaptureConfiguration "/etc/opt/resourcemon/textconfig" |
location of the library configuration file - contains parameters such as file size limit, file age limit, etc. textconfig is used to override the default parameters listed below.
| |
#define | TEXTDataCaptureDirectory "/var/opt/resourcemon/data" |
default directory for data capture files. files are named with the UUID of the monitor. The file owner is the creator of the monitor. More... | |
#define | TEXTMinimumFreeSpace 5 |
default minimum percent free space of the file system the data capture directory is located in when all data capture is suspended. More... | |
#define | TEXTActiveMonitorLimit 0 |
default number of active data capture monitors with a file being open. 0 means limited other parameters i.e. by daemon's open file descriptor limit or file system limit. More... | |
#define | TEXTFileAgeLimit (24*7) |
default file age in hours since the last mondification before being automatically deleted A value of 0 means no automatic deleting of files. More... | |
#define | TEXTFileSizeLimit 0 |
default file size limit before data capture is stopped or rollover occurs. The size is checked on the daemon's refresh cycle so the limit will be exceeded before the being detected. 0 means limited other parameters i.e. file size limit, system limit or capacity. More... | |
#define | TEXTFileRollover false |
default rollover policy - true means file is reset once the file limit is reached, false means data is not is no longer captured. More... |
default number of active data capture monitors with a file being open. 0 means limited other parameters i.e. by daemon's open file descriptor limit or file system limit.
location of the library configuration file - contains parameters such as file size limit, file age limit, etc. textconfig is used to override the default parameters listed below.
default directory for data capture files. files are named with the UUID of the monitor. The file owner is the creator of the monitor.
default file age in hours since the last mondification before being automatically deleted A value of 0 means no automatic deleting of files.
default rollover policy - true means file is reset once the file limit is reached, false means data is not is no longer captured.
default file size limit before data capture is stopped or rollover occurs. The size is checked on the daemon's refresh cycle so the limit will be exceeded before the being detected. 0 means limited other parameters i.e. file size limit, system limit or capacity.
default minimum percent free space of the file system the data capture directory is located in when all data capture is suspended.
Data capture library UUID for tab-delimited table files. Use with the setDataCapture macro for rmMonitorControl.
Data capture library UUID for XML format files. Use with the setDataCapture macro for rmMonitorControl. The Document Type Definition is shown below.
<!-- monitor data authored by RM XML data capture library --> <!ELEMENT MonitorData (monitor, (observation)*) > <!-- UUID is a universally unique identifier assigned to a subsystem or monitor --> <!ELEMENT UUID (#PCDATA)> <!-- rmID is a resource or statistic id assigned by the subsystem --> <!ELEMENT rmID (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT units (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT subsystem (UUID, name?, description?)> <!ELEMENT resource (rmID, name?, description?)> <!ELEMENT statistic (rmID, name?, description?, units?, inlineMonitor*)> <!ATTLIST statistic type (counter32 | counter64 | gauge32 | gauge64) #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT rmValue (#PCDATA) > <!ELEMENT statisticID (subsystem, resource, statistic) > <!ELEMENT creator (#PCDATA) > <!ELEMENT group (#PCDATA) > <!-- monitor UUID is assigned by the daemon when --> <!-- the UUID is not supplied when creating a monitor --> <!-- the monitor UUID is required for all other monitor operations --> <!-- statisticID is required when creating a monitor --> <!ELEMENT monitor (UUID?, creator?, group?, statisticID?) > <!ELEMENT timestamp (#PCDATA) > <!ELEMENT observation (rmValue, timestamp) >