Public Attributes |
enum rmMonitorType | monitorType |
| used to switch on the typeControl union. More...
enum rmMonitorLocation | location |
| specifies the inline or daemon location to use. if rmInLineDaemon is specified on monitor creation, location will be set to rmInLine or rmDaemon when the monitor is created. More...
rmUID | uid |
| The monitor uuid will be part of an event record to uniquely identify this monitor. The resource monitoring facility generates this unique ID when a monitor is created if the uid is clear and is returned when ResourceMonitor::rmCreateMonitor is succesful, else the provided uuid is used. -
See also:
clearMonitorUID setMonitorUID.
rmUID | dataCapture |
| the resource monitoring facility registers data capture libraries using unique ID's. Each library provides a different storage method. Clearing this field indicates that no data capture will be done for this monitor -
See also:
clearDataCapture setDataCapture TextDataCapture
Data capture only captures the raw reading, not the transformed value.
rmTimeInterval | monitoringInterval |
| seconds to monitor once started. The daemon automatically stops monitoring at the end of the interval. More...
rmTimeInterval | monitoringRate |
| seconds between each sample taken by the monitor: 60 = 1 sample/minute, etc. monitoringRate can not be set to zero for daemon monitors. More...
rmMicroTimeInterval | microMonitoringRate |
| microseconds between each sample taken by the monitor added to monitoringRate Daemon monitors only use monitoringRate. More...
union { |
rmThresholdControl threshold |
rmLeakyBucketControl leakyBucket |
} | typeControl |
| monitor type specific control parameters. More...