Compounds |
class | ResourceMonitor::RMdiscovery |
class | ResourceMonitor::RMmonitor |
class | ResourceMonitor::RMresource |
class | ResourceMonitor::RMsession |
class | ResourceMonitor::RMstatistic |
class | ResourceMonitor::RMsubsystem |
Typedefs |
typedef void* | rmSessionHandle |
Functions |
int | rmGetResourceMonitorVersion () |
| returns the library version to be compared to RESOURCE_MONITOR_VERSION to insure compatiblity. More...
size_t | rmGetSubsystemCount () |
| is usually the first function that is called. It discovers the number of subsystems that are available to the resource monitoring facility. More...
int | rmGetAvailableSubsystems (rmSubsystemInfo *buffer, const size_t size) |
| discovers the details about subsystems that are available. More...
int | rmGetActiveResources (const rmUID SubsystemId, rmResourceInfo *buffer, const size_t size) |
| discovers the details about resources that are available in a subsystem. More...
int | rmGetAvailableStatistics (const rmUID SubsystemId, rmStatisticInfo *buffer, const size_t size) |
| discovers the details about statistics that are available in a subsystem. More...
size_t | rmGetMonitorCount () |
| discovers the number of monitors that are being managed by the resource monitoring facility. More...
int | rmGetMonitors (rmMonitorInfo *buffer, size_t *size) |
| discovers the details about monitors created by the caller that are being managed by the resource monitoring facility. More...
int | rmGetSubsystemInfo (const rmUID SubsystemId, rmSubsystemInfo *buffer) |
| returns the details about a subsystem. More...
rmString | rmGetSubsystemDescription (const rmUID SubsystemId, const enum rmDescriptions which) |
| returns a descriptive string about a subsystem. More...
int | rmGetResourceInfo (const rmUID SubsystemId, const rmID ResourceId, rmResourceInfo *buffer) |
| returns the details about a resource in a subsystem. More...
rmString | rmGetResourceDescription (const rmUID SubsystemId, const rmID ResourceId, const enum rmDescriptions which) |
| returns a descriptive string about a resource. More...
int | rmGetResourceID (const rmUID SubsystemId, const rmString shortdescription, rmID *id) |
| get the resource id assigned by the subsystem from a short description string. More...
int | rmGetStatisticInfo (const rmUID SubsystemId, const rmID statId, rmStatisticInfo *buffer) |
| returns the details about a statistic in a subsystem. More...
rmString | rmGetStatisticDescription (const rmUID SubsystemId, const rmID statId, const enum rmDescriptions which) |
| returns a descriptive string about a statistic. More...
int | rmGetStatisticID (const rmUID SubsystemId, const rmString shortdescription, rmID *id) |
| get the statistic id assigned by the subsystem from a short description string. More...
int | rmGetCurrentValue (const rmStatisticKey id, rmValue *value) |
| returns the current statistic value of a resource in a subsystem. More...
int | rmGetUpperBound (const rmStatisticKey id, rmValue *value) |
| returns the upper bound of a gauge statistic for a resource in a subsystem. More...
int | rmResetCounterStatistic (const rmStatisticKey id, const rmValue *value) |
| sets the current statistic value. More...
rmHandle | rmCreateMonitor (const rmMonitorConfiguration *config, rmMonitorControl *control) |
| creates a monitor for a statistic made available through a subsystem. More...
rmHandle | rmAccessMonitor (const rmUID MonitorId) |
| returns a rmHandle for an existing monitor. More...
int | rmDeleteMonitor (const rmHandle handle) |
| removes a monitor from the system and invalidates the rmHandle. More...
int | rmGetMonitorControl (const rmHandle handle, rmMonitorControl *control) |
| returns the control parameters of a monitor to the caller. More...
int | rmSetMonitorControl (const rmHandle handle, const rmMonitorControl *control) |
| changes the control parameters of a monitor. More...
int | rmGetMonitorConfiguration (const rmHandle handle, rmMonitorConfiguration *config) |
| returns the configuration parameters of a monitor to the caller. More...
int | rmSetMonitorConfiguration (const rmHandle handle, const rmMonitorConfiguration *config) |
| changes the configuration parameters of a monitor. More...
int | rmStartMonitor (const rmHandle handle) |
| starts the monitor. The monitor is resumed retaining state from previous runs in the case of a stopped monitor. More...
int | rmStopMonitor (const rmHandle handle) |
| stops the monitor but retains monitor state. More...
int | rmResetMonitor (const rmHandle handle) |
| stops the monitor if it is running and resets its state as if it was created. For example, it clears current watermark state, zeros the start and stop times, and resets event notification. -
See also:
int | rmPauseNotification (const rmHandle handle) |
| allows monitoring to continue but disables any event notification that the monitor would do. More...
int | rmResetNotification (const rmHandle handle) |
| reenables a monitor's event notification that was paused by a call to rmPauseNotification() or the monitor is a one shot event monitor with a loggingRate of 0. More...
int | rmGetMonitorState (const rmHandle handle, rmMonitorState *state) |
| returns monitor state information. More...
int | rmGetMonitorInfo (const rmHandle handle, rmMonitorInfo *info) |
| returns detailed monitor information. More...
rmString | rmGetMonitorDescription (const rmHandle handle, const enum rmDescriptions which) |
| returns a descriptive string about a monitor. More...
int | rmSetMonitorDescription (const rmHandle handle, const enum rmDescriptions which, const rmString description) |
| set a descriptive string about a monitor. More...
rmSessionHandle | rmCreateConsumerSession () |
| creates a new connection to the Resource Monitor daemon. rmCreateConsumerSession allows a threaded application to a create a separate connection to the daemon for each thread avoiding the need to synchronize access to the Resource Monitor daemon among threads. More...
int | rmCloseConsumerSession (const rmSessionHandle handle) |
| closes a connection to the Resource Monitor daemon. More...